Quality Records
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Quality Records User Help Document in Document Management Module
1.Document Management Module
The document management module is a module that provides the document management process in accordance with the standards. It ensures that the management systems documentation is prepared, controlled, approved, revised, published and distributed to the relevant personnel in electronic environment by passing through the approval process on the QDMS system, and that all documentation is archived and the cancellation process is carried out. It allows the personnel to access the documents within the scope of the folders / documents they are authorized and to act on the documents.
1.1. System Infrastructure Definitions/ Document Operations
System Infrastructure Definitions / Document Operations menus are the part where the infrastructure definitions of all document processes are made.
1.2. Integrated Management System/ Document Operations
Integrated Management System / Document Operations menus are the part that provides management, monitoring and reporting of all document processes.
1.2.1.Quality Records Definition
There are forms of the companies. For example, there are different types of forms such as Corrective Preventive Action Form, Action Plan, Training Participation Form, Meeting Minutes, Risk form. In the system of these, the empty version of these forms in the folder structure, that is, the designed version of the jerseys is kept. The blank version of these forms is located in the folder in the system and the filled in in case of need is called quality record according to the management systems. The system, which they do not understand at least too much in the first place, is a structure that does not sit because it is new. But later it has become one of the important properties of what is used very often. The relevant form can be restored after clicking on the Quality Records Affairs menu, downloading the blank form from the menu and filling in the information.
For example, if measurements of a furnace need to be made in every shift in a production, you can upload the blank form of the requested information about the measurement to Qdms and mark it as a quality record, then the shift supervisor can come to the quality record processing screen in his shift and press the new button to download the blank form, fill in the measurement information and restore it. Then the 2nd shift can come and do the same operations again. In short, quality recording is the downloading of the empty form from the system and uploading the full forms to the system and storing them. The forms transferred to the Qdms system can be filled out and converted into quality records according to the purpose of use. The blank form in the quality record menu is filled, shared and stored in the system as a record.
1.2.2. Define the folder in the system where the quality record will be uploaded
The blank form in the Quality Record Operations menu is filled, shared and stored in folders in the system as a record. To load the form that is used as a blank form in the quality records operations menu to the system, it is necessary to first define the folder where the form in the quality records processes will be located. To define a folder, click on the Integrated Management System / Document Operations / Folder Definition menu.
! By clicking the (New) button, the Folder Definition/ New Record screen is opened to define the folder where the Quality Record form will be uploaded in the system. On the screen that opens, basic information about the folder is entered on the Folder information tab.
On the Folder Settings tab, if only form documents are to be assigned to this folder, the corresponding check box for the Form folder is checked. If this check box is checked, the corresponding forms in the form folder are also used for quality recording.
After the fields in all the tabs are filled, go to the first tab, the Folder Information tab! The (Save) button completes the folder identification recording process
After the identification of the folder where we will upload the empty version of the quality record to the system to fill out the form, the system loading the Quality Record form is done. The process of uploading the Quality Record form to the system is done in Qdms with several methods. These methods are performed in the Document Preparation and Document System Import menus. The process of uploading the empty version of the following Quality Record form to the system will be done with the help of these menus.
1.2.2.Transfer of Quality Record to System via Document Preparation Menu
With the Document Preparation menu, the Quality Record is transferred to the system in a controlled-approved manner. To transfer in an approved way, the Integrated Management System / Document Operations / Document Preparation menu is clicked. The "Document Preparation" menu opens to prepare a new document. From the folder tree structure, the folder where the document is to be prepared is selected and ! Click the (Next) button.
The Document Information tab defines the basic information for the quality record.
On the Other Information tab, Document Type selected is selected. If it is a document that is processed, the "Form" option is checked, and if it is documents such as procedure-instruction, the "Document" option is checked. When "Form" is selected, the appropriate one is selected from the "Quality Record, Ready Form, Document Template and Printed Form" options as the "Usage Type". Since the system will be treated as a quality record, the check boxes related to the document type field as Form and the quality record option in the Usage As field are checked.
In the Document tab, the Quality Record form to be uploaded to the system is the (Add file button) and the upload process is performed. Versions of the Quality Registration Form in the available languages can be downloaded from the language descriptions. Uploaded Quality Record Form
(view file) button can be displayed if desired.
When the document is uploaded, the "file has been successfully transferred" information is received.
If the preparation process has not yet been completed after uploading the Quality Record form, click the ! With the save button, the document can be converted to a draft and stored. The draft document is displayed as "Stored Documents" on the "My Pending Jobs" page of the preparer.
After all the preparation processes related to the document are completed, the The document approval process is started with the Submit button. If an opinion is requested, the prepared document will go to the opinion. If the vision is not to be used (in processes where the vision matrix is not defined), the process continues with the control confirmation. If the controller is defined, it goes to the control approval first, if the controller is not defined, it goes to the approval of the people defined in the approval matrix.
Control Process;
The document submitted for inspection is displayed on the controller's "My Pending Works" page under the "Documents Pending Check" list. Clicking on the document code opens the relevant document information.
The person who checks is just like the person who prepares documents. When deemed necessary, it can make all kinds of changes on the document, re-upload the document without rejecting it and continue the process. It can make changes both on the prepared document and on each tab that is opened, such as the document information / authorization matrix / distribution matrix / approval matrix in the preparation phase.
In the document tab ! The document is displayed by clicking the (View File) button. ! With the (Reject) button, the document is rejected by the controller and sent back to the person who prepared the document. It is mandatory to enter the reason for the rejection of the document at the rejection stage. If there are no problems with the document ! By clicking the (confirm) button, the document is sent for approval according to the order in the approval matrix.
Approval Process
The document submitted for approval is displayed under the "Pending Documents" list on the approver's "My Pending Transactions" page, respectively according to their level in the approval matrix. Clicking on the document code opens the relevant document information.
The approver cannot make changes to the document information. At this stage, only the document can be viewed and the approval / rejection process is performed
In the approval process ! The document approval is rejected by entering the reason for rejection with (button). In case of refusal, the reason for the refusal must be entered. In the approval process, the document that has passed the final approval according to the order in the approval matrix is published and distributed to the people in the distribution matrix and made available. The relevant persons in the distribution matrix are sent an e-mail by the system and the document can now be accessed by authorized persons.
The published document falls as a reading duty to the authorized persons in the distribution matrix. It is displayed as "Documents to Read" on the "On My Pending Business" page of the contacts.
The transfer of the Quality Record to the system was carried out with the help of the Document Preparation menu in an approved manner. To view the Quality record transferred to the system, click on the Integrated Management System ```>Document Operations\
>Quality Records\
>```Quality Records Operations menu. The Folders contained within the Quality Records are listed in the Folder tree structure. With the help of the Document Preparation menu of the Quality record, the Quality record is displayed by selecting the folder in which the upload process was made.
1.2.3.Transferring Quality Record to Document System by Transfer Method
With the help of this menu, the Quality Record will be transferred to the system without using any approval process, that is, without approval mechanisms. In order to transfer the quality record to the system, the System Infrastructure Definitions / Document Operations / Document System Transfer menu is clicked.
On the screen that opens, the folder to which the document will be transferred is selected and the ! Click the (Next) button. Basic information is entered in the Document information section.
In the Other information section, the type of document is selected as the form in the document and form options. After the document type form is selected, the form is specified by checking the relevant check box as a quality record as the form usage method for uploading the document to the system as a quality record.
Document detail information is entered and the document to be uploaded is selected. This is the same as in the document preparation menu.
After all the information is entered into the system, the document is imported with the "Add File" button from the "Document File Upload (Turkish)" area.
When the Quality Record form, which is a document, is uploaded, the "file has been successfully transferred" information is obtained.
On the document information screen, click ! With the help of the (Save) button, the transfer of the document, ie the Quality Record form, to the system is completed.
In order to view the Quality Record uploaded to the system with the Document Transfer process, the Integrated Management System```>Document Operations\
>Quality Record\
>```Quality Record Transactions menu is clicked. On the screen that opens, the folders in which the Quality Records are located in the Folder tree structure are listed. With the process of transferring the document to the system, the folder into which we have transferred the quality record is selected in the folder tree list and the quality record in it is displayed.
1.2.4. Transfer of Quality Record to System in Document Preparation Menu with Unapproved/Unchecked Option in Folder Identification
By checking the Unapproved/Uncontrolled option on the Folder Settings tab in the Folder Definition menu of the Quality Record, the transfer process is performed to the system without using the Approval mechanism with the help of the Document preparation menu. Integrated Management System```>Document Operations\
>```While the Folder to which we will transfer the Quality Record is selected in the Folder Definition menu The (Edit) button is clicked.
In the folder settings tab, the Unapproved/Control option is checked in the relevant check box and the Quality record is transferred to the system in an unapproved and controlled manner in the Document Preparation Menu.
After the change is made to the folder on the Folder Identification-Record update screen! Folder record update is performed by clicking the (save) button.
Integrated Management System ```>Document Operations\
>```Document Preparation menu is clicked. From the folder tree structure, the folder where the document is to be prepared is selected and ! Click the (Next) button.
The Document Information tab defines the basic information for the document.
On the Other Information tab, in the Document Type field, the option of "Form" is checked if it is a document that is being processed, and the option of "Document" is selected if it is a document such as procedure-instruction. Form Usage When "Form" is selected, the appropriate one is selected from the "Quality Record, Ready Form, Document Template and Printed Form" options as the "Usage Method". Since the system will be treated as a Quality Record, the Quality Record option is checked in the relevant check box in the Form Usage field
In the Document tab, the Quality Record form to be uploaded to the system is located in the Document File Upload (Turkish) field. (Add file button) and the upload process is performed. Versions of the document, i.e. the Quality Record form, in the available languages can be downloaded from the language descriptions. If the uploaded Quality Registration Form is requested (view file) button.
When the Quality Record form, which is a document, is uploaded, the "file has been successfully transferred" information is obtained.
If the preparation process has not yet been completed after the document upload, from the document information tab ! With the save button, the document can be converted to a draft and stored.
The draft document is displayed as "Stored Documents" on the "My Pending Jobs" page of the preparer.
After all the preparation processes related to the document are completed, the With the Send button, the document is transferred to the system without approval / control. With the Unapproved/Unchecked option in the Document Folder settings, the process of uploading the Quality Record Form to the system was done in this way in the Document Preparation menu.
After the document is published and made available, the user's "My Pending Works" page is listed as "Documents to Read"
The uploaded Quality Record is displayed in the Integrated Management System ```>Document Operations\
>Quality Record\
>```Quality Record operations menu by selecting the folder into which the upload is made in the folder tree structure.
1.2.5.Quality Records
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Quality Records Quality Recording Processes
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Quality Records/ Quality Records
The Quality Record Forms uploaded to the system are filled out in the Quality Record Transactions menu, shared and stored in the system as a record. In order for a form to be actively used in the quality records menu, the blank form must be marked as "Form" when it is created in the QDMS system and the usage method must be selected as "Quality Record". Forms that meet this requirement are listed under the relevant folders in the left part of the screen.
By selecting the form to create the record, ! The (View) button is pressed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:A new quality record is created.
: The quality record currently selected in the list is updated.
: The quality record selected in the list is copied
: The quality record currently selected in the list is deleted.
: The quality record currently selected in the list opens.
: Searches for records.
On the screen that comes up ! Click the (new) button and enter the detailed information of the form.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Returns to the previous screen.
:The quality record form is downloaded to the computer with the View button.
The quality record form filled in with the :D add file button is uploaded to Qdms.
: The Quality Record is created with the Save button
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Form Code: The field where the code information of the quality record form is automatically provided by the system.
Form Name: The field in which the name of the quality record form is automatically provided by the system.
Form Registration Number: The Quality record filled in the system is the field where the registration number information of the form is automatically given by the system after the form is uploaded.
Workplace: A quality record is the field to which the workplace information to which the form belongs is selected in the workplace list.
Revision No: For newly prepared Quality Record forms, the revision number is defined as "0" is the field from which it comes.
Subject: The area of the quality record form where the subject information is automatically provided by the system.
Description: This is the area of the quality record form where the description information, if any, is entered.
Internal Distribution: This is the area where the full version of the Quality Record form is allowed to be published as a user/user group e-mail.
In Internal Distribution ! When the (Add user ) button is clicked, the relevant position is selected in the Position Selection List defined in the system and the full version of the quality record is allowed to be published by mail.
In Internal Distribution (Add group) button is the area where the relevant User Group is selected in the User Group Select List defined in the system and the full version of the quality record is allowed to be published by mail.
External Distribution: This is the area where the full version of the Quality Record form is allowed to be published as an e-mail to a person who is not defined in the Customer/Supplier/System.
In External Distribution ! When the (Customer) button is clicked, the relevant Customer is selected in the Customer List defined in the system and the full version of the quality record is allowed to be published by mail. In order for this process to take place, the e-mail address of the customer must be defined in the system.
In External Distribution ! When the (Supplier) button is clicked, the relevant Supplier is selected in the Select Supplier List defined in the system and the full version of the quality record is allowed to be published by mail. In order for this process to take place, the Supplier's e-mail address must be defined in the system.
In External Distribution (Mail ) is the area where the full version of the quality record is allowed to be published as an e-mail to a person who is not defined in the system when the button is clicked. It is sufficient to write the name, surname and e-mail address of the person to perform this process.
Department (Multi-Select): This is the field to which the Department information to which the Quality Record form belongs can be selected in the Department List defined in the system.
The workplace information that the form is associated with is selected in the Select a Workplace List that is defined in the system in the Workplace field of the quality record.
Clicking the (Add user ) button will add a User to Internal Distribution in the Position Select list.
In External Distribution ! When the (Customer) button is clicked, the first stage of the process is to publish the full version of the quality record to the Customer by selecting the relevant Customer in the Customer List defined in the system
In External Distribution ! When the (Supplier) button is clicked, the first stage of the process of publishing the full version of the quality record as a Supplier e-mail is performed by selecting the relevant Supplier in the Select Supplier List defined in the system
In External Distribution ! When the (Mail ) button is clicked, the first stage of the process of publishing the full version of the quality record to a person who is not defined in the system as an e-mail to a person who is not defined in the system is performed.
In the department (multi-select) field button selects the relevant Department in the Select a Department list.
The Internal Distribution and External Distribution fields determine the persons/groups to which the quality record will be sent.
After;! With the (display) button, the blank form is downloaded to the computer.
The required fields on the form are filled in.
Quality record created (add file) button and restored to Qdms.
From the "Authorization Matrix" tab, which positions/user groups are required to have the "Read, Prepare/Revise, Delete" authorization on this record are selected from the system.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Shows the personnel in the currently selected user group.
: Position is added to the list.
: The user group is added to the list.
: Deletes the privileges in the position/user group currently selected in the list.
To assign an authorization matrix to the folder Click the Add position button. In the Position list defined in the system, selection is made for the users who are desired to be authorized. Whatever authorizations are sought to be granted are marked
To assign an authorization matrix to the folder Click the Add User Group button. In the User Group list defined in the system, selection is made for the user group to be authorized. Whatever authorizations are sought to be granted are marked
Finally! With the (save) button, a "Quality Record" is created and archived in the system by sending it as an e-mail to the people or groups selected for distribution.
The created quality record is listed on the screen. All quality records for that form are displayed on this screen.
If the quality records are created and then they are required to go for approval before going to distribution, the document management parameters "227. Send for approval in the Quality Record Update process?" parameter is activated.
System Infrastructure/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Flow Definition and System Infrastructure/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ / Role Definition menus are set to whom the flows go. This section defines the relevant role for the Quality Record Approval Flow.
The Approval Flow is served as "Quality Records to Approve" on the "My pending jobs" page of the person who needs to approve the Quality Record that is being constructed. of Quality Record
In the "Quality Records to Be Approved" task, clicking on the document code will access the information of the relevant quality record. On the screen that opens, the relevant viewing, approving and rejecting of the Quality Record is performed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: The Quality Record Form is displayed.
: The Quality Record Form is approved.
: The Quality Record Form is rejected.
If the Reject button is clicked, the Quality Record Form is rejected by typing the reason for the rejection. It is mandatory to enter the reason for rejection at the stage of rejecting the Quality Record form
If you do not have any problems with the Quality Record form ! By clicking the (confirm) button, the quality record form is confirmed. Record Report
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Quality Record/ Quality Record Report
With the "Quality Record Report" menu, reports of all quality records are obtained. With the quality record filtering option, it is ensured that the report is received according to the desired criteria.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Data can be exported to Excel.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
: The Quality Record is displayed.
! The (View) button provides access to the form of the selected quality record.
(View) button to access the selected quality record.
The Export to Excel button retrieves the Quality Record List Report in Excel format.
1.1.1.Quality Records Related Parameters
In the Document Management Module, the relevant parameters of Quality Records are displayed by clicking the System Infrastructure Definitions/ Document Operations/ Document Parameters menu.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: The selected parameter in the list is replaced.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
: Data can be exported to Excel.
Quality Record related parameters and descriptions;
17.Form authority in quality records is given to (D)to the Weight Matrix, (Y) to the Impact Matrix, (H)er to both: Indicates to whom the form authority is to be granted in quality records. If D is selected, the distribution matrix is authorized, if Y is selected, the authority matrix is authorized, and if H is selected, both mats are authorized.
60.Personnel who can delete Quality Records: The registration number of the personnel to whom the authority to delete quality records will be granted is entered as a parameter value.
61.Only the Quality Record Officer can delete the Quality Records: If it is desired that the authority to delete the quality records belongs only to the quality record responsible, the parameter is activated.
127.Perform file name checking when uploading Quality Record: If the value of the parameter is set to Yes, when uploading a quality record to the system, when we try to upload it with a name other than the name given to us by the system, Qdms will not allow us.
214.Perform authorization check on quality records file viewing (Y/N):If you want to check authorization on quality records file viewing, the parameter value is Yes.
227.Send Quality Record for approval in the update process?: In quality record operations, this is the parameter value that determines whether to send for approval when the update process is performed. The parameter is activated by selecting Yes or Passive by selecting No.
260.Should PDF be used for quality records? (Y/N): Parameter value If "Yes" is selected, it is the parameter value that allows a document with a Quality record to be opened as a PDF.
282.Use e-signature in quality records?: Parameter that enables the use of digital signatures in quality records. If the parameter value Yes is selected, the e-signature is used for Quality records.
284.Quality Record Letter Font Size: Quality Record Writing in Document Module is the parameter value where the font size information is entered.
285.Quality Record Font Font Color(0:Gray,1:Red,2:Light Blue,3:Green,4:Yellow,5:Blue): Quality Record Writing in Document Module It is the parameter value where the font color is determined by giving a numeric value. For example: Quality Record when given a numeric value of 0 Font color: Gray
286.Quality Record Writing Location (0:Top,7:Bottom,4:Middle): is the parameter value where the Quality Record Writing Location in the Document Module is determined by giving numerical values. For example: When given a numeric value of 0, Quality Record Letter Location: On Top
287.Quality Record Writing Angle: It is the parameter value in the Document Module where the Quality Record Writing Angle information is entered.
288.Text to be used in Quality Record: Parameter value in the Document Module where the writing information to be used in the Quality Record is entered.